Wednesday 26 October 2022

Importance of Money and Job

        As I mentioned in the earlier post(the post) that I left my job ,kind of whimsically. I would not do that if I had a settle lifestyle, I would have other responsibilities, though it would put me in pressure cooker situation again. So as a consequence people (including friends and people connected through social apps )started keeping distance from me (a must needed step for them for survival), as this rebellion mentality is contagious.  

         I came back to this city Kolkata ,with the expectation in mind that it (the city) would accept me as I was ,would give me company in the tough time. But my prediction was not correct . This is like any other city with no friends around ,which is common characteristic for any city for an introvert like me. Beside that this city is going through a moral crisis ,political situation is at its worst condition. So the scope for doing something new here is out of question now. I may have to go back to corporate world ,but with different mentality . I have accepted that I have to work as corporate slave util I find another way. 

        I have seen posts about romanticising poverty. We all need money. Because we assign value through money, and absence of it would be considered as worthless according to the contemporary society norms. I have seen rich people preaching about why poor people are poor ,most of them came from from wealthy rich background. Yes they took risks ,avoided paying taxes ,avoided payment of loans and most important is that they convinced common people whom they call poor ,to invest in their venture.

        It will be very tough for me to return to corporate world due the the unstable employment history, but anyway I am left with no other option. hope the next year will be better than this one ,where I could forget the past or at least accept the disasters happened in the past.Two more months to go .


Monday 12 September 2022

Bus ride and seat belt

It was a cloudy autumn morning in Kolkata , I recently quitted my another job within a month ,by paying hefty amount as buyout of notice period . If people ask why would anyone do that , my answer would be ,perhaps because i am crazy or out of my mind . generally this time of year , in the month of September it would be little hot and humid weather here, but this time it is completely different. I got a call from my maternal uncle that my cousin brother studying here in Narendrapur, was not well ,so if I could visit his place to check . 

Anyway As was officially unemployed(by choice) , I thought I must go . now I was thinking of availing public transportation ,instead of Uber or OLA. It was long time since I had travelled by Bus in Kolkata. maybe last time I took a bus ride in the year 2018 or 2019 here. In Bangalore I had to travel by bus for first few months. So in Kolkata the option would be Uber always ,and in recent time due to medical emergency we had to depend on Uber and OLA due to the distance of the Fortis from home.anyway most of the time I would take the front seat ,so for safety had to wear the seatbelt . 

So let's go back to the day I decided to take public transport . I found that this option is cheap too. I know it would be a break journey and may take more time than a direct Uber ride ,but I still decided to do that. Taking an auto from 206 Bus terminusI reached Karunamoyee Bus terminus ,from where I had to take a S9 or AC9 (air condition version of S9 ) towards Jadavpur.  It was Friday, very few people were scattered here and there,I found it unusual. Maybe because I have not travel by bus for a long time here ,so I was excepting crowd . I entered into the terminus crossing the big opened gate and the AC9 was standing there at the platform left side. I got onto the bus ,there was only one passenger sitting back row of the bus. I went to a back side of the bus. as I was accustomed Uber ride so , first thing I checked was the seatbelt .Then i reminded myself it was a Bus and Bus did not have seatbelts.Not only that ,as I was so obsessed with Taxicab rides I was impatient as the bus was not moving from at platform of the terminus for 15 minutes. then also I recalled that there were arrival and departure time ,before that it would not move .

so making the long story short, Taxicabs are spoiling us ,changing our habit to face crowded public transportation. 


Monday 4 July 2022

Harsh Reality: Society discourages failure

     I have experienced it time to time .Due to my (So called ) unplanned life, I have seen when the life was going smooth, also have seen the darkest times.both of the time will repeat itself in future. But the thing is that when it was going smooth ,one could see people around me celebrating even tiny successes . But when it comes to rough and tough time ,people tends to not to keep contact. and I am also no exception.I did that knowingly or un knowingly in past to others. Now the definition of success vary man to man.but Society imposed norms try to generalised it ,most of the time it is based on Money or power.

    It is human behaviour(keeping distance) programmed by the mother nature , to avoid problems which may come if in contact with such not doing so well persons . But in my childhood days I have had seen the opposite of this behaviour ,people would be helping other people in need .I guess that time the sense of community was there, which is missing now a days.self centric people were there from the beginning, but the society would limit their effect with the commune mentality.

    But nowadays we all are victim of consumerism. we all are trying to achieve an unrealistic goal in life, as a result compromising with corruption, little or big, making the future existence of human race uncertain. We are trying to follow the lifestyle of western part of the world without knowing the ground reality there. I have seen people called themselves religious ,but the main motto of any religious scripture ,the truth, they avoid. we all are going for money to secure our future.The question is secure from what? from disease? from  bankruptcy? from natural calamity? actually we don't trust each others to get help from others at the old age, which is common in commune system, but not in this consumerist system .That trust issue and sometime ego ,force us to earn more(?) money, to be self -sufficient at any time. 

    Very few people like to do the work they are doing everyday. the creativity has gone from the mind of people of India .Creativity is only alive in the field of arts. In other fields we are just following order to please the clients. This dissatisfaction can be seen at the bars in weekends. we think intoxicating ourselves with liquor will relax us.  

       At the end of the day it is all about survival of the fittest . Harsh Truth.

Monday 18 April 2022

Imagination : curse or blessing

    Today I realised that imagination can take you anywhere ,from moon to hell. My recent disaster is the result of overthinking and imagination . Today I talk to the person, about whom  I had negative thoughts  actually we both had. But when that person called after I requested to have a chat ,then I realized the texting is a very dangerous thing ,that can be misinterpreted . 

        If it were my last day of my life ,i would have no regret for anything ,as I got assurance that there is no more bitterness and we are fine with the ending of the movie .Everything has to come to an end and it should be graceful termination.

        One thing I have learnt form this experience is that whenever in bad mood, don't text.  So the thing is that Imagination helps up to improve ,invent and innovate things if channeled in right way. But it will destroy if accompanied by overthinking and channelled in negative way.

        so in relationship ,whether it is Business or personal ,if  I feel negativity I will stay way from the keyboard and will meditate.

Friday 18 February 2022

Karma is real

   Every-time we go through a rough patch or dark time or bad phase of our life ,we try to find something or someone to blame for it ,without  realising why it happened. I am also not an exception ,but when I think deeper ,I find that "chakravat parivartante duHkhAni cha sukhAni chaचक्रवत् परिवर्तन्ते दुःखानि च सुखानि च . It is an unavoidable circle of life ,it is some kind of equilibrium rule that nature has programmed . Only thing we can do to reduce its bad effect is to do good or at least think good, so as a result it will comeback as something good. We call it karma . people may relate it to their religion believes , but the fact is, if you did something bad it will bite you back someday.

    if people realize this fact, they probably will refrain themselves for doing  something that will hurt them in future .it is difficult ,as so many things like greed , want of pleasure ,power etc influence us to do things ,but if we can neutralize it ,eventually we will end up doing good for ourselves and for humankind and also for any living being.

        I found most of time the thing that make us sad is the expectations from others. we expect the people to be like this or do things like that and when they don't do we get disappointed . Expectations are good as in some extent as it fuel us to improve ,for ourselves we can expect to be a better person.But when you apply it to other ,the end result , most of the time is anger ,fight and  eventually eliminating people from life .

        I yet to find the recipe to maintain  the balance of good and bad ,but one thing I noticed that every dark phases I went through ,nature(religious people would call her almighty ) would always provide a light in the form of friend(who may or may not stay long ) or create some situation to meet new people who would change your life or at least the view.And that's also probably because of good karma of past .

Nature is mysterious ,and as Richard Feynman said Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.” I conclude this post with  his another quote

 “Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.”

Saturday 5 February 2022

When being Positive is not a Positive thing:RTPCR

     So at last it has arrived ,probably in the form of omicron ,as if it was Delta I would not be able to write this blog with this mild fever and sore throat. Two days back when I was suffering with high fever, the lady(whom must not be named or mentioned as friend, as she instructed) called me over phone, to return few of the things that I left at my old rented apartment. So I had to go downstair, breaking the self isolation.This is one of the contact I had before the RTPCR report came. I need to inform about the report to all the people who came in close contact with me,  ,but unfortunately there is not way to update that person.

        Anyway the first two days were little tough ,could not sleep due to fever .And as I was suspecting it was due to issues related to stomach upset ,but the report that i got yesterday says it was my turn to let the virus in . Anyway even if it may not be the Delta but it should not be ignored at all. The only thing I am worried about is that my organ donation should not go in vain just because of the corona.For those two days I could not concentrate to office work or to scaler classes ,Dynamic programming is a not an easy thing to learn for me.

        I was in Isolation even before this covid, physically and mentally. I always found myself fighting alone ,Actually Everyone is fighting their own battle alone, they are  just in illusion of being supported by the people around them.In DSA we called it recursion where we break the problem in smaller single parts which in return contribute to the answer individually ,and by optimising it further we call it DP . 

       So My point is I have been to the adventurous journey we called life,I still to walk (or maybe run )a long way, the thing I observed that situations changes so as people .we all depends on the supply and demands ,if there is any mismatch you will be thrown out of your job, or from Relationship or anything . It is pure business that we all do unknowingly. and there is nothing wrong with it ,we are programmed to do that for survival. so as soon we realize the fact ,everything becomes easy. 

Consumerism: the vicious circle

“Consumerism  is a social and economic order in which the aspirations of many individuals include the acquisition of goods and services beyo...