Monday 4 July 2022

Harsh Reality: Society discourages failure

     I have experienced it time to time .Due to my (So called ) unplanned life, I have seen when the life was going smooth, also have seen the darkest times.both of the time will repeat itself in future. But the thing is that when it was going smooth ,one could see people around me celebrating even tiny successes . But when it comes to rough and tough time ,people tends to not to keep contact. and I am also no exception.I did that knowingly or un knowingly in past to others. Now the definition of success vary man to man.but Society imposed norms try to generalised it ,most of the time it is based on Money or power.

    It is human behaviour(keeping distance) programmed by the mother nature , to avoid problems which may come if in contact with such not doing so well persons . But in my childhood days I have had seen the opposite of this behaviour ,people would be helping other people in need .I guess that time the sense of community was there, which is missing now a days.self centric people were there from the beginning, but the society would limit their effect with the commune mentality.

    But nowadays we all are victim of consumerism. we all are trying to achieve an unrealistic goal in life, as a result compromising with corruption, little or big, making the future existence of human race uncertain. We are trying to follow the lifestyle of western part of the world without knowing the ground reality there. I have seen people called themselves religious ,but the main motto of any religious scripture ,the truth, they avoid. we all are going for money to secure our future.The question is secure from what? from disease? from  bankruptcy? from natural calamity? actually we don't trust each others to get help from others at the old age, which is common in commune system, but not in this consumerist system .That trust issue and sometime ego ,force us to earn more(?) money, to be self -sufficient at any time. 

    Very few people like to do the work they are doing everyday. the creativity has gone from the mind of people of India .Creativity is only alive in the field of arts. In other fields we are just following order to please the clients. This dissatisfaction can be seen at the bars in weekends. we think intoxicating ourselves with liquor will relax us.  

       At the end of the day it is all about survival of the fittest . Harsh Truth.

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