Monday 17 April 2023

Happy Loser (reluctant to participate in the rat race of life)

     People would tag person like me as Loser ,I would call myself  Happy Loser . I don't want to participate in the race of life ,as I don't find meaning to be in that race. If it is a race that means even if on one is winning ,someone will definitely be getting defeated . I am not the person who conform to the norms of civil society. In my observation I have never seen members of civil society doing anything different than any animal would do. We are just doing it the same things that animals do ,but wrapping it inside the name of civilization. The cognitive skills we human have, we are using it just to acquire resources more than we need ,and as a result there is competition (competitions are never be healthy when it is not about knowledge). Someone would say we need to improve ourselves to survive. So we are following the same survival of fittest strategy . And this society has already became the slave of consumerism ,as a result  if you don't earn enough to be above the threshold of society defined standard of Loser, you would be to consider as a loser. In this civilized society there is no place for spirituality . We should not mix religion with spirituality . first one is business ,later one is to find yourself. So there are stress ,anxiety etc. due to our  so called growth and improvement.

          "Resources."  Now if we talk about resources ,there should be enough of those for every human being to have a good life. But the current structure is in that way that those resources are controlled by only few people, sometime with the help of ruling government . The sustainable development is a myth nowadays. People may ask me if I am suggesting human to go back to stone age . I may ask the same question "Are not we?". What makes us civilized!! the car ?the Airplane ?AC? or improvement in health sector ?or improvement in technology to build weapons for mass destruction. What are we actually doing with those development? Nothing. Just creating more competitions . From the day of birth ,one is put into the competition ,like any other animal in wild. Difference is that we are kept on our toes ,we need to learn consistently just to survive. 

           Again lets move back to the Happy loser topic. From the beginning of the civilization there maybe lots of them, "the  Loser". This blog post is not my excuse to  currently not having any Job in corporate sector or anywhere . I imagine the whole society as a circus ,and here someone is a clown playing in their character, someone is juggler and other performers performing their scripted acts .Only few enlighten persons are seating in the gallery observing the whole show. In the Centre everyone is running in the circle, but no ones knows why. few of them has just decided to stop running and go to the gallery to have a seat and to enjoy the show. "Happy loser" they are.

Consumerism: the vicious circle

“Consumerism  is a social and economic order in which the aspirations of many individuals include the acquisition of goods and services beyo...