Friday 31 December 2021

Review 2021, the things I got and things I lost

  The clock is showing 11:12pm, it is almost the time to to mark the beginning of the new year 2022. In this passing year 2021,I have gains and loses in my collection,.those are both tangible and intangible.

    This year at the beginning it started with the continuation of  undesirable things from the previous year 2020,as a result of the covid19.That time I recently quitted my job to start business,It failed due to failure of planning and also there was the situation that forced me to rejoin my job again.In this year I had relationship  for the first time in my  started on Dec 2020 and ended on September 2021. Anyway this relationship taught me lots of things.moreover it taught me how to handle difficult situation and when to go away from the situation which is not in control or how to keep distance from the person with conflicting views, despite having feelings(this feeling will be there, as long as I exist ) for that person.

        This year was an achievement related to health and medical front, I  got chance to get into operation theatre as patient . Surgeon  had to operate on my broken elbow.Now I am having one metal plate and 5 screws implanted in my body .This achievement cost me a lot, but at the end of the day it was an achievement, was  it not ?  

     This year I enrolled myself   in scaler course which requires serious time for studies. One of the reasons I had to break the important connections. Hope that heavy investment will pay off,. This year I bought a property in share with my father. 

        So now i am trying to write the down the things with heavy head .I just don't find anything special on 31st of Dec or 1st Jan.All I know is there will be some more taxes to pay from tomorrow for few goods.

I will update this particular post later as I go back to past to collect the memories .I can hear noises as the clock's hand come close to zero hour.The night curfew is imposed .

To conclude, it was a good year... Hope that next one will be a better one 

Sunday 5 December 2021

without any title

   As the heading suggest I am the person without any title , as society suggests me to believe. I don't care much whether I am entitled(?) or not . But in my 36 year here in human form , (we can exclude 10 years for the sake of cognitive development years, so 26 conscious year ) I met people ,not a lots of people ,as I am an introvert.I found few categories of people whom I can divide into mainly two groups, one who does constructive criticism and another type who tried to do the counterpart . Constructive criticisms were always straight forward ,those people would say something on my face .but for the others I had to listen it from third party and most of them are not worthy to consider in future inclusion .

        I have seen people calling me mentally ill when I was in depression due to some issue related to my education and career choice .  It was illness and I am thankful to myself that I have recovered from it . There were stories  going on about me ,good and bad ,both. The same people would have commented about recent failure to establish my own business ,I yet to hear from them.

        and then there is another group of people ,who are wearing mask even before covid. They would laugh at you and comment on your behaviour but behind your back. One of them just defected the group of people(few of them used to call themselves friend) for the sake of friendship with me .She said she would not make fun of me if she would have knew me before . One question comes to my mind immediately, why would  anyone make fun of people ,how he walk ,talk or sit or do anything if he/she has not met him/her . I have seen this trait in many people .I make fun (satire) of politicians because their decisions directly impact my life.But I don't know why people do this kind of things to common people like me when they can use that time in productive entertainments.

         I am writing this sitting in my OYO room ,in Bangalore. I have found myself doing bad deal again.I always find myself other side of profit ,as I yet to learn how to bargain. That also makes me the subject of fun ,but I would say I prefer peace of mind (if affordable) rather wasting time on saving something I don't have.

        The thing is clear ,people would come and go . People who are really aligned with your mission will stay only, others will fade way ,as the fragrance of expensive perfume fades away at the end of the day.

        sooner people accept this reality sooner they will be free from all expectations. 

"দুর্বলেরে রক্ষা করো, দুর্জনেরে হানো,

নিজেরে দীন নিঃসহায় যেন কভু না জানো।

মুক্ত করো ভয়,    

নিজের 'পরে করিতে ভর না রেখো সংশয়।" - রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর 

Update: I thought she has left the friends group ,that are fond of gossiping about others and doing destructive criticism  ,I was wrong . 



Consumerism: the vicious circle

“Consumerism  is a social and economic order in which the aspirations of many individuals include the acquisition of goods and services beyo...